Our Team

Meet the talented team of innovators and experts working every day to keep vehicles, people, and communities moving smoothly.


Autura Leadership

We bring decades of experience in law enforcement, municipal towing, operational management and software design.

Ryan Davis

Ryan Davis, CEO

Ryan, CEO of Autura, originally from Atlanta, attended the College of Charleston. He co-founded BacklotCars with his brother, achieving significant success before its sale in September 2020. Currently, Ryan resides in NYC with his fiancée and two dogs.

Nina Michelle Carazas

Nina Michelle Carazas, Chief Operating Officer

As Autura’s COO, Nina Michelle excels in dynamic environments and values diverse, high-performing teams that prioritize customer experience, technology, and unlocking each member’s potential.

Raymond Krouse

Raymond Krouse, Chief Financial Officer and Co-Founder

Ray, Autura’s CFO, with more than 20 years of experience, excels in financial system refinement. His strategies boosted Flyswat’s growth, and his important work in audits and equity offerings at Coopers & Lybrand underscores his expertise.

Courtney Bardo

Courtney Bardo, Head of People and Culture

With 15+ years of experience, Courtney specializes in creating inclusive, transformative workplace environments. Her background in organizational development has honed her skills in team-building and fostering collaborative professional landscapes. Courtney enjoys her life in Boston with her family and pets.

Brian Megill

Brian Megill, Senior Vice President, Sales

Brian Megill is our SVP of Sales brings a unique blend of expertise in data analytics and entrepreneurial leadership. Prior to joining us, he was a Commercial Team Lead at ThoughtSpot. His experience also includes co-founding two companies, reflecting his entrepreneurial skills. Brian has a unique background as a former professional lacrosse player, adding a dynamic perspective to his professional role.

Dom Galdo

Domenic Galdo, Senior Vice President of Strategic Partnerships and Initiatives

As our Senior Vice President of Strategic Partnerships and Initiatives, Dom brings a wealth of experience from Agero Inc, where he expanded a vast towing and roadside assistance network. His leadership improved service delivery to major insurers and automakers, demonstrating expertise in managing contractor networks and customer experience in the roadside assistance field.

Zach Allia

Zach Allia, Senior Vice President of Product & Engineering

With over fifteen years of experience building product and technology, Zach brings a diverse background ranging from startups to established companies in industries across the map. His role at Autura is marked by a unique fusion of technical expertise and creative vision, leading to innovative solutions and strong team dynamics.

Jeffrey Weiner

Jeffrey Weiner, Vice President, Analytics

Jeff has been digging through data for nearly 30 years to inform strategy, drive more efficient operations, and reduce risk in decision making. His approach to building and leading high performing analytics teams has been well documented in a wide range of industries.

Spencer Bauman

Spencer Bauman, Vice President of Buyer Sales

Joining Autura alongside CEO Ryan Davis from BacklotCars, Spencer excels in building teams of skilled marketplace sales representatives. His approach ensures client success from initial sign-up to continued platform interaction. Spencer lives in Kansas City with his family. Spencer currently resides in Kansas City with his wife and baby boy.

Lenny Isaacs

Lenny Isaacs, Vice President of Product Enablement

Lenny brings over two decades of expertise from roles at ThoughtSpot, IBM, and Cognos to his position as Vice President of Product Enablement. Known for his strategic approach to relationship-building and solution-focused leadership, his varied career has equipped him with a profound ability to drive decision-making that yields improved business results.

Case Studies

Citywide Efficiency

Orange County Sheriff Modernizes Towing, Stops Waste and Overcharging

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Want to help communities move more smoothly?

We’re always looking for bright, down-to-earth people looking to help other bright, down-to-earth people get good work done. Sound like you?

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Autura works with Miami, San Francisco, Indianapolis and 25 others to help them unclog their cities and make them more productive for law enforcement, government officials and vehicle owners.